Brochures & eBooks

People underestimate the emotional potential of a well-crafted brochure.

Your website is a choose-your-own-adventure, click-and-scroll information hub. And you definitely need one of these.

But … brochures allow you to guide your reader on a linear journey, page by page. You set the order. You tell the story. You create the excitement, humor, drama, suspense … the stuff that makes people fall in love with your brand. It’s like making a mini movie about your company or product—and who wouldn’t want to do that?

I still get a thrill from flipping through the paper pages of a thoughtful, beautifully designed print brochure. That being said, I also love trees. As an eco-friendly alternative, eBooks are easy to publish, distribute and update. Plus, they make excellent customer incentives when you’re trying to build your email list.


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